Saturday, October 16, 2010

Waiting is worth it.

So today was one of those days that makes me happy that I'm doing something with my life.

I applied at Costco back in May, originally back at the Seattle/Tacoma area Costco, and then on a whim in July at the Tigard one.  I then about a week or so after applying at Tigard had an interview with the Vice President of International Sales who works out of Seattle.  That went smoothly, and pretty much he liked me enough to say that he could see me being hired by them.  I then asked about working for Tigard since I go to school down there, and he said he'd get back to me after checking.  Well two weeks before the beginning of school in August, I got a call for an interview.  The phone call as I later learned was a preliminary interview to see if I was still interested and for them to get a "feel" for me.  that went well, so that Wednesday I was scheduled for an interview, going down on Tuesday night to be ready.  My interview on Wednesday went well, the two people I met with said that they had a few more that day, and a few more the next day, so it'd be a week or so before I heard from anyone.

Well, imagine my surprise when the following morning, after barely being home for 8 hours, I get a call asking me to come in the next day for an interview with the Tigard manager.  So I packed my clothes and drove down again, barely having been home.  That interview goes well, and so I head back home.  A week later I get a call from the manager himself, informing me that they can't hire me for September, but if I'm still interested I should check in at the end of September for October.

so the last week of September I do that, and after speaking to the manager, he tells me that they'll have someone call me within the next two weeks for an interview.  That was two weeks ago, so yesterday (Friday the 16th) I call the manager again and ask what's going on.  He apologizes as the person who was supposed to call me was sick.  He then goes on to tell me that I'm not coming in for an interview as I've already had those, and that I was merely going to come in for preliminary things, and that he would have someone call me sometime soon for when I needed to come in.

So, I figured it would either be Friday or Monday that I'd get a call.  This morning (the 17th) I got a call from an administrator asking if I was still interested, when I indicated yes, the woman asked me to come in on Tuesday for drug testing.

So Tuesday will be coming shortly and I'll have the tests, and then probably around the first week of November I will start.  Right now I'm only being hired for seasonal, but I'm hoping to work full time once I graduate and stay in the Tigard/Newberg/McMinnville area.

I'm just glad that I listened to my heart and God and trusted in him with my patience.  That's the one thing I have an issue with is patience, and I'm starting to learn to use it better. 

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